Our Story + Mission

Meet Shanna Habich, the founder of Shift Hawthorn.
In early 2020, Shanna had an amazing career as an account manager for several nationally recognized brands. Travelling the globe with first-class upgrades, a cult-following carry-on suitcase, and her super bougie water, she moved about the cabin and the country with a job of significance, or so she thought. . . and then, Covid. Shanna's career, and life in retail store development came to a grinding halt. Like the rest of the world, she went from flying the friendly skies to lying on the sofa marathoning Netflix like a champion and wondering what's next.
No seriously, what is n e x t ?
A shift.
Shanna was born a maker. She developed the original concept for Shift Hawthorn in 2013. Absolutely ethical handcrafted goods, made for individuals who love to give kindness. Faced with an undetermined amount of time on her hands, Shanna dusted of her business plan and went to work creating. What could bring comfort in a time of uncertainty?
The candles were conceived from a mission to create:
• luxuriously scented candles from premium sourced ingredients
• absolutely ethical + sustainable products
• unique eco-friendly glass
• beautiful plastic-free packaging
• investing in people + the planet
With a love for nature, simplicity, and all things pretty, Shanna implemented her design experience into a creation better than she imagined. The result is exceptional.
These beautiful candles are just the beginning. We are excited to see what Shanna launches next.